In this spirit I’m throwing caution to the winds and tackling my last remaining major stroke defect aside from my kick – my pull. A good part of my problem is a lack of arm strength so I decided very early on to break down my pull into its technical aspects, planning to only address them one by one until my overall strength caught up. Up to now I’ve limited myself to improving my reach and mostly ignored the catch and finish but no longer. I’ve begun to use hand paddles to rework my complete pull as one integrated motion. To encourage a proper stroke Coach Brad recommended I use my paddles without wrist straps and to rely only on the finger cord to hold them on. Thus configured the paddles force a proper catch and the lack of a wrist strap means retracting my hand too early and not finishing properly will see the paddle stripped from the offending hand; something which happened with some regularity in the beginning. I tire very quickly when using them, however, and because of my poor technique (and large paddles) my shoulders have become rather sore. In the future I’ll limit my paddle training to a few hundred meters with the following day off, but the exercise has made an immediate impact on my stroke effectiveness. The trick is to get the stroke to a point where it becomes natural. How long that will be I don’t know but I’m sort of hoping it will happen before I leave for Texas.

> “Polish every meter, don’t practice crap”
...and have fun. Don't forget that part.
Ah... fun is indeed important though personally I've always enjoyed acomplishing something. Even as a kid swimming fast was what held my interest - I was never a coach/teacher never 'made' it fun kinda person. Far too competitive for that.
I think that's one reason why I like this particular sport so much - there's so much to learn, measure and contest. I know ow many steps it takes to get to the pool, I never get on my bike without the computer and I never swim without checking the clock, counting strokes or stretching the streamline.
Well maybe the last might change (temporarily) if our pools close this week :
I say you Norwegian every meter: it a much closer language to English than Polish, and no Cyrillic involved!
Oh man, it took me two days to figure that one out! I'm so tired.
I'm with Matt. BTW, where have you been all week?
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